Maintenance, calibration, DAkkS calibration lab
For reliable results, it is essential to regularly monitor your test equipment. We offer you an efficient calibration and maintenance service as well as a calibration laboratory accredited by DAkkS.
All volumetric instruments subject to test equipment monitoring require written documentation of regular calibration and volume control. Besides the values for accuracy and the coefficient of variation, this documentation also includes information on the type and frequency of the test. Frequent inspections are generally time-consuming and expensive: They entail putting the measuring equipment out of operation and – if significant deviations are found – having to adjust and/or repair it. BRAND offers a complete service for this purpose, including the calibration and, if necessary, the repair, maintenance, and adjustment of measuring equipment. This saves you time and money and reduces instrument downtime.
Customers from Germany: Please fill out the repair and calibration order and the clearance certificate and send them to us along with the cleaned and sterilized instrument.
Customers from other countries: Please contact us so that we can make you a suitable offer.
BRAND has a calibration laboratory accredited by DAkkS (Deutsche Akkreditierungsstelle GmbH) in accordance with DIN EN ISO/IEC 17 025. The BRAND calibration laboratory is therefore authorized to issue DAkkS calibration certificates for the volumetric instruments listed below. These are available in several languages.
BRAND calibrates the following volumetric instruments (new or already in use and regardless of make):
One crucial difference between works calibration services and DAkkS calibration laboratories is the reliable, DAkkS-monitored declaration of the measurement uncertainty, which is guaranteed by the laboratory.
Our calibration laboratory is flexibly accredited (category III). We are permitted to introduce and apply the standards and calibration guidelines listed below with different issue dates independently.
The flexible scope of accreditation includes the following standards and guidelines with the currently applied issue dates:
Status: 02/2023