BRAND. For lab. For life.®
3 min

Presentation of apprenticeships and trainee programs at BRAND

Warehouse logistics specialist (m/f/d)

Trainees at BRAND present their apprenticeships and their field of activity. This time: Warehouse logistics specialist.

Fachkraft für Lagerlogistik

Today we would like to introduce our apprentice Lee-Ann. She is currently in the second year of her training program to become a warehouse logistics specialist (m/f/d).  Lee-Ann answered a few questions for you.

How does the training for warehouse logistics specialist work?
During my training I go through various departments such as the reception of goods, warehouse logistcs , dispatch and production logistics. Every two weeks I learn at the vocational school in Tauberbischofsheim.


What does your everyday work look like and what do you like most?
In the warehouse, for example, my job is to pick goods and store them. So far, I have had the most fun picking goods at the miniload, our automatic warehouse for small parts .

Are you looking for an apprenticeship or study program?

Shape your future with vocational training or a study program within the BRAND Group. The trainee program is highly regarded in our organization: with a trainee ratio of ten percent, we have around 60 trainees and dual-study students working with us. One unique aspect is company-wide employment within our group. This makes it possible for our trainees to also gain practical experience in our subsidiaries and affiliates. In addition, we offer those who are interested in gaining international experience a one-month internship abroad.


Start your future with a trainee program at BRAND:

Here you can find our current range of courses:

Leonie Bahr

Leonie Bahr

Human Resources

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