BRAND. For lab. For life.®
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BRAND Insights – meet our people

Everything started with an internship in 2008

Today we would like to introduce Jonas Dietz. His profession is industrial foreman for plastics & rubber technology at BRAND. Additionally he is responsible for the training of new apprentices.

How did it come that you started you career at BRAND?

When I started the internship it was soon clear to me that I wanted to become a process mechanic. Through discussions with my trainer, I also knew that the training at BRAND would give me the best opportunities and progress. During my training, I was able to gain a lot of experience and thus I enjoyed my work and tasks a lot. After successfully completing my training, I had the opportunity to start within the injection molding department.


Later then I received my industrial master's degree and the trainer course. Although the combination of day-to-day business and training can be challenging at times, I am keen on involving the trainees in many intersting and challenging topics. In this way, our apprentices are well prepared for personal growth and for their future in the company.


Are you looking for an internship, apprenticeship or study program?

Shape your future with vocational training or a study program within the BRAND Group. The trainee program is highly regarded in our organization: with a trainee ratio of ten percent, we have around 60 trainees and dual-study students working with us. One unique aspect is company-wide employment within our group. This makes it possible for our trainees to also gain practical experience in our subsidiaries and affiliates. In addition, we offer those who are interested in gaining international experience a one-month internship abroad.


Start your future with a program at BRAND:

Here you can find our current offers:

Leonie Bahr

Leonie Bahr

Human Resources

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