BRAND. For lab. For life.®
3 min

The Academy of the Transparent Laboratory organises advanced training courses at the research campus in Berlin

Lectures, workshops, networking, method training and lab tours for TAs, lab technicians and lab assistants.

This year's FURTHER EDUCATION DAY 4.0 and the WORKSHOP ON THE BASICS OF BIOLOGICAL INFORMATICS AND LABORATORY 4.0 are all about digitalisation, automation and miniaturisation. Among many other exciting lectures, Andreas Ehlke from BRAND will present method and protocol generation with the Liquid Handling Station in interactive workshops. Lectures, workshops, networking, method training and lab tours for TAs, lab technicians and lab assistants.

24/09/2021: Continuous education day 4.0

Life-Science-Fortbildung Gläsernes Labor Akademie
©Copyright: Campus Berlin-Buch, Peter Himsel

In an interactive workshop, Andreas Ehlke from BRAND will present the topic "Implementation of protocols and method creation with the BRAND Liquid Handling Station".  The basics of automated liquid handling will be taught. The participants will be familiarised with the software and can then work on the pipetting robot themselves. In cooperation with the software, a method for the Liquid Handling Station will be created.


Click here for the programme flyer (PDF) and registration:

29.10.2021: Fundamentals of Bioinformatics and Lab 4.0

The three-day course provides an overview of current topics on bioinformatics, digitalisation and miniaturisation for technical employees, laboratory technicians and  assistants working in the life sciences.


Andreas Ehlke from BRAND will present the topic "Introduction to Automated Liquid Handling, Methods and Protocol Generation using the Example of a Beginner Pipetting Robot" in an interactive seminar.


Click here to go to the programme and registration:

The Speaker

Andreas Ehlke


Sales Automated Liquid Handling

Berlin, Brandenburg, Sachsen, Sachsen-Anhalt, Thüringen, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Hamburg, Bremen, Schleswig-Holstein, Niedersachsen

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Matthias Stein

Marketing Director

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