BRAND. For lab. For life.®
3 min

Our contribution to the environment – economic use of valuable raw material

Avoiding plastic waste wherever possible

Environmental protection as a priority

Protecting the environment is a priority at the Brand Group. One way to contribute to environmental protection is to minimize the consumption and waste of raw materials.


At the BRAND injection molding center (BSZ), this means avoiding plastics waste wherever possible. Over the past few years, the team has achieved measurable success in this respect, exceeding its own goal within the environmental management system according to DIN EN ISO 14001. Zero-defect quality in production is the overall goal. Where no rejects are produced, the raw material is utilized with optimum efficiency. Using innovative techology is another way BRAND contributes to optimum utilization of plastics raw material.

More information on sustainable production and environmental protection:

Matthias Stein

Marketing Director

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