Pipetting Robot
Automated pipetting
The Liquid Handling Station gives you maximum flexibility for small and medium sample volumes and changing pipetting tasks. The system closes the gap between electronic pipettes and complex, expensive large devices. Your single tubes, 8-tube PCR strips, reservoirs, 96-well or 384-well plates fit on the seven free-loading workstations in ANSI/SLAS format. Three 1-channel liquid ends and three 8-channel liquid ends are available for precise liquid dispensing. With its compact design and space-saving front door, the Liquid Handling Station even fits into confined laboratory spaces.
BRAND experts will advise you free of charge on the configuration of your instrument and method development. Free tests can also be performed in your laboratory - please contact us.
Andreas Ehlke I Sales north Germany
T +49 160 91890331 I andreas.ehlke@brand.de
Oliver Jenner I Sales south Germany
T +49 160 8836016 I oliver.jenner@brand.de
Benjamin Rienhardt I Switzerland and Austria
T +49 151 70337191 I benjamin.rienhardt@brand.de
United States
BrandTech Scientific Inc.
Tel.: +1 860 767 2562
In USA, call toll-free: 888 522 2726
Tel.: +32 470045870
Tel.: +31 625324416
BRAND Scientific Equipment Pvt. Ltd.
Tel: +91 22 42957790
Brazil I Pro-Analyse Quimica
Bulgaria I Aquachim JSLO
Colombia I Scientific Products S.A.S.
Corea I LK Lab Korea Co., Ltd.
France I Prorata
Greece I PNOI Ergastirom S.A.
Hong Kong I Oriental Chemicals & Lab. Supplies Ltd.
Malta I E.J. Busuttil Limited
New Zealand I ScienNze, Ltd.l Lab Supply Ltd.
Peru I Merck Peruana
Slovakia I Labo-SK, s.r.o.
Slovenia I Sanolabor
Spain I LineaLab
Sweden I LBH Advanved Bioservices AB
Switzerland I Spälti-TS AG
Thailand I Bectha i I Phoenix Scientific
Taiwan I Merck WildBlue I Sciteq Co. Ltd.
If your labware is not included in our labware database, you can order a labware file for the required labware (Cat-No. 998160) which can be imported into the software.
Depending on the labware a custom adapter/rack is required and can be ordered as well (Cat-No. 998134 + 998158).