BRAND. For lab. For life.®
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Girls' Day 2023 – Future Day for Girls at the Brand Group on 27.04.2023

Technology – not just a man's job! Take the opportunity to discover new career fields and skills.

As in previous years, also in 2023 we invite interested girls from grade 5 to 10 to get to know some of our technical professions. Under the guidance of our trainers and apprentices, the girls will have the opportunity to learn about technology in practice and make their own experiences.

The following professions are available for selection:

Girls day bei BRAND und VACUUBRAND
©Copyright Girl´s Day 2023


•    Mechatronikerin
•    Elektronikerin für Betriebstechnik 
•    Fachkräfte für Lagerlogistik 
•    Industriemechanikerin 
•    Verfahrensmechanikerin
•    Technische Produktdesignerin
•    Werkzeugmechanikerin


•    Fachkraft für Lagerlogistik 
•    Industriemechanikerin 

Are you interested? Please apply here:

Saskia Blum
Telefon: 09342/808-1817


Are you looking for an apprenticeship or dual study programme?

Check out our career website:

Leonie Bahr

Leonie Bahr

Human Resources

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