BRAND. For lab. For life.®
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Promotional package*: Dispensette® S Digital & flexible discharge tube

Compose your individual promotional package now.

The promotion is valid until 30/06/2022: Buy a Dispensette® S Digital and get a flexible discharge tube for free.

Get a discharge tube for free

You can order the promotional package in a few easy steps:

  • Click here to get to the promotional offer in our shop
  • Choose your bottle-top dispenser
  • Choose your free flexible discharge tube
  • Your package price will be shown below after you made your selection
  • You will recieve an order confirmation with two separate positions for the instrument and the accessory

* This offer is valid until 30.06.2022. No cash alternative available. Warranty claims remain unaffected.

Discover the possibilities for the flexible discharge tube and other useful accessories for the Dispensette® S

Matthias Stein

Marketing Director

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