BRAND. For lab. For life.®
4 min

Introduction of trainees: starting their careers at BRAND and VACUUBRAND

Seventeen apprentices started their professional future at BRAND and VACUUBRAND starting September 2021

The job profiles are broadly diversified. In addition to dual students in the fields of business administration, industrial engineering, production and logistics, other career starters began their training as industrial clerks, technical product designers, mechatronics engineers, warehouse logistics specialists or industrial mechanics.

Exciting factory tours, interesting training sessions and a trip to the climbing garden. 

The focus was on the first day was on introducing the BRAND group of companies and getting to know each other personally. A simulation game took the trainees on a tour around  the company, the various departments were presented and small tasks had to be solved. On the second day, the trainees were given a tour of the VACUUBRAND plant. This was followed by various training sessions: "These covered such important topics as occupational safety and environmental protection," emphasised Luisa Christoph, who is responsible for the trainees. The next day, the trainees visited VITLAB. This was followed by product training at VACUUBRAND, IT training and a presentation of BRAND's product portfolio.


Highlight: Trip to the Frankenturm high ropes course in Eibelstadt.
With a total height of 16 metres, the tower offers varied climbing courses on several levels in three degrees of difficulty. The second-year apprentices were also part of the group: "Last year's apprentices couldn't go on an excursion because of Corona," says Luisa Christoph. That was finally made up for.

Are you looking for an apprenticeship or study opportunity?

Then BRAND is the right place for you. Shape your future with an apprenticeship or study programme at BRAND within the BRAND Group. Your training will not only take place in one company, but you will also have the opportunity to get to know other companies in the Brand Group. With a training quota of ten percent, we have around 60 apprentices and dual students. Start your future with us now, whether with an internship, apprenticeship, study, thesis or working student job.

Start your Career now

Luisa Christoph

Human Resources

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