BRAND® Insert 2in1 skin corrosion tests
Note d'application | pdf | 996 KB
EASYCAL™ 5 - Short instructions/Tutorial
Note d'application | pdf | 6 MB
Pro du pipetage
Note d'application | pdf | 492 KB
10 steps to becoming a pipetting pro
Air displacement pipette or repetitive pipette?
Note d'application | pdf | 1 MB
Automated high-throughput liquid transfer of SDS samples
Note d'application | pdf | 2 MB
Automatic pipetting of reaction mixtures
Note d'application | pdf | 724 KB
BLAUBRAND® amber glass volumetric flasks
Note d'application | pdf | 438 KB
BRAND PCR plates and PCR sealing films
BRANDplates® cellGrade™ plus surface - minimizes loss of transfected cells
Note d'application | pdf | 991 KB
BRANDplates® cellGrade™ plus surface - Proliferation of CHO cells
BRANDplates® cellGrade™ plus surface - Proliferation of HEK293 cells
BRANDplates® cellGrade™ plus surface - Proliferation of HeLa cells
BRANDplates® cellGrade™ plus surface - Proliferation of HepG2 cells
BRANDplates® cellGrade™ premium surface - High yields of transfected cells
Note d'application | pdf | 940 KB
BRANDplates® immunoGrade™ surface - lgA adsorption capacity
BRANDplates® inertGrade™ surface - Formation of spheroids
BRANDplates® inertGrade™ surface - Optimization of the test procedure of bone substitute materials in vitro
BRANDplates® inertGrade™ surface - supports neurosphere formation
Note d'application | pdf | 829 KB
BRANDplates® Insert System - Full thickness skin equivalents
BRANDplates® Insert System - human epidermis
Note d'application | pdf | 3 MB
Note d'application | pdf | 142 KB
Characterisation of antibodies with BRAND PCR plates
Chemical Resistance Laboratory Glass
Note d'application | pdf | 343 KB
Chemical Resistance Plastics
Cleaning the Dispensette® S Trace Analysis and achievable blank values
EASYCAL™ 5 - Server Installation
Functional testing and maintenance of pipettes
Note d'application | pdf | 556 KB
Higher sensitivity of qPCR reactions with BRAND 384-well PCR plates
Influences on volume in air-displacement pipettes
Liquid Handling Station - Automated wiping
Note d'application | pdf | 331 KB
Liquid Handling Station - Contamination-free pipetting into 384-well microplates
Note d'application | pdf | 536 KB
Liquid Handling Station - Cooling Blocks | Comparison
Liquid Handling Station - Cooling Blocks | Performance
Note d'application | pdf | 600 KB
Liquid Handling Station - ELISA
Note d'application | pdf | 482 KB
Liquid Handling Station - Reducing residual volume
Note d'application | pdf | 585 KB
Liquid Handling Station Protein quantitation assay
Liquid Handling with Bottle-Top Instruments
Note d'application | pdf | 734 KB
Operating Manual Titrette Software
Note d'application | pdf | 746 KB
PCR plates support reliable evaporation protection
Small-scale automatic robot handling line for molecular pathogen diagnostics
Note d'application | pdf | 890 KB
SmartExtraction LHS-Kit – Protocol for HMW DNA isolation from cell pellets
Note d'application | pdf | 793 KB
SmartExtraction LHS-Kit – Protocol for HMW DNA isolation from mammalian tissues
Note d'application | pdf | 786 KB
Superior highly transparent adhesive sealing film
Testing and calibration of bottle top burets and dispenser
Note d'application | pdf | 4 MB
T: +49 9342 808 0
E: info@brand.de
Transferpette® S, 100-1 000 µl, variable, D-1000, DE-M
de 270,50 €
Boutique en ligne
HandyStep® touch S, DE-M, bloc secteur universel et clip de maintien inclus
de 1.048,00 €
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